What If Boys Can't Find the Right (Reading ) Stuff?

Image - iStockphoto: LeezSnow
Image – iStockphoto: LeezSnow

The basic premise of what Nottingham-based author Jonathan Emmett is laying out here is that the preponderance of women in the curation and presentation of so much of children’s material may have something to do with a perceived lack of content that’s as interesting to boys as it is to girls. Both Ed Nawotka nd I here at Publishing Perspectives have written about men and reading in the past: we’ve wondered aloud in print when the industry will wake up to the opportunity of a huge sector of the population (that would be guys) who don’t seem to read as much as women do. 

By Porter Ander­son | @Porter_Anderson

Issues on the Ether: “What if Boys Can’t Find the Right (Reading) Stuff?”

Read the full post at: PublishingPerspectives.com


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