Rafa, Writing, and "The Inflexible Routines"

When you hear talk about the “joyous chaos” in which creative types are supposed to revel, you’re hearing from people who aren’t creative. The discipline reflected in a few “inflexible routines” can anchor dedication and devotion. I’ve seen a lot of chaos. Little of it has been joyous. Read More


Writing on the Ether is currently sponsored by author and publisher Will Entrekin and his book The Prodigal Hour from Exciting Press. The Ether is a collection of news and perspectives on publishing. It is written by journalist and critic Porter Anderson for Jane Friedman and it appears at JaneFriedman.com each Thursday. Because it is a long post, each edition includes a table of contents to help you move quickly to sections of the article you’d like to reach quickly. When you click on a table of contents listing, the URL generated can be sent to others to direct them to that specific section. Read More