#FutureChat: How can we pay authors what they deserve?

Image - iStockphoto: Miluxian
Image – iStockphoto: Miluxian

Each Friday, join us for a #FutureChat session, live on Twitter, at 4 p.m. London time, 11 a.m. New York time, 8 a.m. Los Angeles, 5 p.m. Berlin, 3 p.m. GMT. 

As Philip Jones writes in his leader piece, Author yearnings, in The Bookseller today, “That authors are paid too little and that their situation has worsened is indisputable.” Note that cover: glasses half-full and half-empty.

The issue, then, as Jones puts it to us: “How we respond to this news.”

And what an array of responses has been set off by the report from the Authors’ Licensing & Collection Society (ACLS), What Are Words Worth Now?

This set of figures — introduced with a debate at the House of Commons this week, reported by my colleague Benedicte Page — is the third wave of what can be considered major “survey events” into author income this year, following the Digital Book World (DBW) survey “What Authors Want” and the launch of the ongoing AuthorEarnings.com by author Hugh Howey.

By Porter Ander­son | @Porter_Anderson

The FutureBook: #FutureChat: How can we pay authors what they deserve?

Read the full post at: The Bookseller’s The FutureBook



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