Book Prices: Have Authors Lowballed Themselves?

18 March 2014 iStock_000022110025Small photog isaxar texted story image

  • What if, in order to try to capture market share from traditional publishers, independent authors’ bargain-basement pricing has seriously damaged the public’s idea of what books are worth? Are book prices too low for what authors’ efforts and talents and skills actually are worth? Is it really possible that a full-length book is ever really worth only $2.99 or less? What signal does that send to readers about what writers think of their own work?

By Porter Ander­son | @Porter_Anderson

Issues on the Ether: Book Prices: Have Authors Lowballed Themselves?

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The uPublishU AUTHOR HUB on the floor of BookExpo America's trade show features a presentation area, networking tables, comfortable sofas and a receptionist.
The uPublishU AUTHOR HUB on the floor of BookExpo America’s trade show features a presentation area, networking tables, comfortable sofas and a receptionist.

The BEA uPublishU AUTHOR HUB Is Not a Drop-In Lounge:

You Buy Your Spot

And we’d love you to grab a space alongside our charter headliners in BookExpo America’s all-new uPublishU Author Hub for entrepreneurial authors: Bella Andre, Barbara Freethy, Hugh Howey, CJ Lyons and H.M. Ward.

Network with these writers and other publishing players on the trade show floor.

Basic membership ($599) includes your BEA badge, uPublishU Conference access, the New Title Showcase, BEA Show Planner, and Mobile App listings. Premium membership ($1,200) gives you a dedicated meeting table and chairs in the Hub and a BEA Autograph Signing session.

For info and registration, contact Fred Evanko: 203-840-5965 or

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