eBooks: Counting in the Dark

Porter Anderson, PorterAnderson.com, Writingon the Ether, Ether for Authors, London on the Ether, Jane Friedman, Ed Nawotka, Philip Jones, Publishing Perspectives, The Bookseller, books, ebooks, author, agent, Amazon, publishing, The FutureBook, CONTEC Conference, Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt Buchmesse
Image: iStockphoto – Gube1

By Porter Ander­son | @Porter_Anderson

Writing on the Ether: Can’t See It for the Trees

“Nearly everything we know about the ebook world is based on publishers’ financial statements, analyses of relative movements of titles on various ebook bestseller charts, or consumer surveys. We know something, but not enough.”

Porter Anderson, PorterAnderson.com, Writingon the Ether, Ether for Authors, London on the Ether, Jane Friedman, Ed Nawotka, Philip Jones, Publishing Perspectives, The Bookseller, books, ebooks, author, agent, Amazon, publishing, The FutureBook, CONTEC Conference, Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt Buchmesse

In explaining the rationale behind The Bookseller’s new UK monthly ebook rankings, which debuted on Friday (August 2), Philip Jones is discussing how the industry! the industry! has developed strong views of the print market through Nielsen BookScan but nothing nearly as good for ebooks.

Read the full article at JaneFriedman.com

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